Tag Archives: american pickers

Lauren Wray Grisham- New Character on History Channel’s American Pickers, Antique Anarch-ologist & Rising Pop Star

15 Nov

Lauren Wray in her nest

1. List 3 words that describe who you are as a person: Alabama Wild Child… that can be used as a phrase… or 3 separate words.

2. From what sources do you draw your inspiration ?
Magazines, nature, 60s and 70s motorcycle culture/fashion, hand written letters, historic architecture, my peers, color, museums, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights movement, medical history, cutlasses… Everyday life. It can be found in anything and also unexpectedly, but I can usually count on the things listed above.

3. How did you wind up in the Antique/Television industry? I am one of the managers at Antique Archaeology which is owned by Mike Wolfe, who is on History Channel’s show “American Pickers”. I have worked in stores pretty much my whole life, starting with “Lauren’s Pumpkin Patch” which was my pumpkin stand in the parking lot of my dad’s store on Hwy. 72 in Alabama. So here I am, 20 years later, with lots of shop girl experience… along with my degree where I studied Anthropology and Historic Preservation to boot.  If you’ve ever been in the store, you could see why it’s a great perfect match for me. My current gig is pretty fitting right now… old stuff and new people. Something I’m always into. I’ve been filming for the show as well.  You will be seeing us on some of the new episodes which will be airing in January.

4. List some current obsessions: In no particular order… Sons of Anarchy, Bell bottoms, Libraries & Interlibrary Loans, Hair Dye, Glitter nails, The Selvedge Yard Blog, leather, muscle cars, 60s and 70s motorcycles (and their advertisements), old memorial photography and jewelry. I love writing letters and sending packages. I just mailed my cousin who is in Greece now a care package a few weeks ago.  It made me feel so excited and exotic. Surprisingly, I have REALLY loved the Tommy Hilfiger ads in the past year or so. He’s bringing a sort-of dreamy, country club/Royal Tennenbaum look in the mix.  A little more applicable to everyday and less runway, if that’s your thing. 

5. describe your aesthetic in one sentence : I kind of feel like I’ve dressed the same for quite some time now. I like to switch up my staple, statement pieces to make sure I don’t look like I’m wearing the same thing every single day… which I still sometimes feel like. It’s fun to bring one major, bold piece in rotation because it can really switch things up.  This season I’m wearing a green velvet Elie Tahari blazer with just boots, jeans, and rock and roll tees, a look I love.

 6. what is the weirdest thing a stranger has ever said to you? One time this waiter at Olive Garden asked what I’d been up to that day… which I replied, “Shopping.” Then he asked if I had been shopping at “The Indian store”. I must’ve had a lot of leather and fringe on that day.

7. Name a Book a Movie and a Band that has challenged you creatively:

Book: The Teachings of  Yogi Bhajan… I don’t know why but most of his stuff has really resonated with me in lots of ways.  I’ve been into him for over 10 years now. I received 2 letters from him before he died on beautiful stationary which I find pretty awesome.

Movie: Virgin Suicides… This movie came out when I was in high school and a friend and I drove 2 hours, to Nashville actually, to see it.  I still find it one of the coolest, dreamiest, dreariest movies around.  I still love it and each time I watch it, I feel like it’s as cool as the first time. 

Band: Britney Spears... For real. I think she’s so great and I am really beginning to learn her moves. Before YouTube, a friend gave me her DVD of all of music videos and it was one of the best gifts ever! I’ve always thought of Britney (yes, we’re on an imaginary first name basis) as being like someone who I grew up with making it big.

8. Name the Best and Worst all time trend or craze: Best: Jersey Shore  Worst: Jersey Shore

9. Describe your dream project…who would you be working with, what would you be doing, what’s the theme, where would you be: My all-time dream project, or experience rather, would to be explore Europe’s architectural wonders and also museums, with a private guide and no time frame.  I’d have some person (who this is, I don’t know…) show me all the grand buildings, castles, alley ways, palaces, fountains, grave yards, tunnels, and paintings with an attention-span friendly explanation. I just feel like there’s a lot to see and experience abroad but I’m too wussy to go by myself.  Travel partner anyone?

10. What is the most imoportant thing life has taught you thus far? Rarely ANYTHING you worry about happens. I know this, but don’t always apply it  and “Focus on the good times”- Tony Soprano

11. If you had to trade lives with any celebrity dead or alive, who would you be? I’ve always been an Andy Warhol enthusiast. I think it’s pretty amazing that he created a social scene based on his celebrity obsessions WITH the celebrities he was obsessed with.  That’s pretty incredible for the little kid of immigrant parents from Pittsburgh. He IS pop culture and mass media. I loved how dabbled in many different art forms… writing, film, commercial art. His take on things seem to be pretty quirky and spot on. I still don’t know if I’d want to trade lives though with him. …Candy Spelling might’ve been a more fitting answer for this. Next!

12. What is your ultimate artistic goal? Wow… I have a few… I’m still writing my pop album which has been in pre-production for like 3 years with Muscle Shoals record producer Lynn Bridges. I still haven’t learned to sew on a machine, although I worked for a world renowned tailor and costume designer for 4 years (Manuel). I’m constantly thinking of new things I want to learn how to do, then I do it. Then it’s on to the next. I’m good at kinda knowing how to do a lot of things.

 13. make up a question and answer it: What’s your favorite food?  THAI THAI THAI… or is it Mexican? Cheeseburgers?

Nest photo by Brannon Morton

Outside photo by Heidi Jewel